A Training Institution (TI) is an organisation that has the goal of promoting Integrative therapy to teach and educate Integrative Therapists.

An institution is an organisation with functions within the legal and formal rules of the country. There has to be legal grounds for the Institution, for instance a Foundation, a Society, or other legal forms of organization. The Institution as organisation is legally responsible for the quality and standard of it’s training program. The training institute has an address, a place to meet and a good working administration.

Full Membership (Training Institutions)

Selection to Full Membership

A training institute applying for Full membership of the EAIP shall fulfil the following conditions:

(a) It shall support the aims and objectives of the EAIP.

(b) It shall possess an accountable administrative structure, such as a constitution or the equivalent, which is comparable with the constitution of the EAIP.

(c) It shall possess a membership, of any standing, of no fewer than 30 persons.

(d) It shall have been in existence as an integrative psychotherapy organization for a minimum of five years. To get accredited, the training institute has completed at least one 4-year training program with a first group and has started at least another one.

(e) It shall have a code of ethics that is comparable with the Ethical Guidelines of the EAIP.

(f) The training institute has a form of organisation that allows for internal consultation about the ongoing training program.

(g) There is an organisation of trainees and graduates.

(h) There are regular meetings of staff members. There is written documentation about the proceedings of these meetings.

(i) The training institute has formal contracts with a group of trainers and supervisors.

(j) There is a list of recommended integrative therapists for personal therapy.

(k) There is a list of supervisors who have a relationship with the training institute.

(l) Organisations making applications for full membership will describe, in writing, their practice and their selection and training procedures including length and frequency of training, requirements for personal therapy, and methods and standards used to evaluate trainers. The program has to be ended with a presentation at the end of the program, such as a final paper or thesis. Part of the program is the code of ethics included with a complaints and appeal procedure, which have to be known by all the participants.

(m) EAIP requires that trainees of member organisations must have personal psychotherapy congruent with their training.

(n) The EAIP requires that in the final assessment of the trainees at least one person must not be one of the candidate’s primary trainers, supervisors or therapists and should come from outside the organization.

The applicant organisation is expected to pay for the reasonable travel costs of the appointed assessors, at the discretion of the appointed assessors. The applicant organisation is required to supply the assessor with copies of all its literature, training brochures, details of the extent and breadth of the training modules, recommended reading lists, details of who is teaching what, samples of its written training material, requirements for completion of training, and details of its accreditation requirements and procedures.

Training Standards

The total duration of training will be not less than 3200 hours, spread over seven years, at least four years of which must be in a training specific to integrative psychotherapy.

The integrative psychotherapy training program consists a minimum 4 years and of 1200 hours.

  1. 500 hours of theory and methodology
  2. 150 hours of supervision
  3. 300 hours of clinical practice
  4. 250 hours of personal therapeutic experience, or equivalent

The integrative method used must be well defined and have a clear theoretical basis in the human sciences. The integrative theory must be integrated with the practice, be applicable to a broad range of problems, and have been demonstrated to be effective.

Content of psychotherapy training:

  1. Theories of human development throughout the life-cycle, including sexual development
  2. An understanding of different psychotherapeutic approaches
  3. A theory of change
  4. An understanding of social issues in relation to psychotherapy
  5. Theories of psychopathology
  6. Theories of assessment and intervention
  7. Practical Training: – This will include sufficient practice under ongoing supervision appropriate to the psychotherapeutic method and will be at least two years in duration

Provisional Membership (Training Institutions)

A training institute applying for provisional membership of the EAIP shall fulfil the same conditions as those for full membership, with the following exceptions:

  • It can possess a membership fewer than 30 persons;
  • It may have been in existence as an integrative psychotherapy organization for less than five years. To obtain provisional membership, the training institute doesn’t need to have completed a 4 year-training at the point of acceptance in EAIP, nor does it need to have graduates at this stage.

Associate membership (Training Institutions)

A training institute may choose to apply for associate membership if they are not eligible for full or provisional membership, if they are not an integrative psychotherapy training institute but wish to support integrative psychotherapy or have relevant links with integrative psychotherapy, or if they do not wish full membership.

Accreditation procedure

Application and documentation are sent by the applicant to the administrative secretary: andra@euroaip.eu

Necessary documents:

  • Application form
  • Constitution or equivalent
  • Internal regulations
  • Detailed training curricula
  • Code of ethics and professional practice
  • Code of ethics for trainers and supervisors (if applicable)
  • Declaration of equal rights
  • Description of assessment procedures and marking criteria
  • Samples of written work by trainees (at least three samples)
  • CVs of trainers and supervisors
  • Any other documentation relevant for the organisation